14 Days Uganda Safari

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This 14 days Uganda safari will enable adventure seeking travelers to realize their dream of exploring the unexplored areas in Uganda. The country is blessed to host some of the most beautiful places on the continent and most notably the rare animals especially the endangered mountain gorillas.  Travellers on this safari will have the opportunity to explore these and observe the animal species in their natural habitats. Guests will travel to conservation areas in all parts of the country. Visits to Kidepo valley National Park will enable the visitors to watch rare animals on the African continent especially cheetahs, African wild dogs and the beautiful ostriches. Travellers will also have one-on-one encounters with the Karimojong people who are renowned for their iconic way of life.

Travelers have the opportunity to explore the diverse array of landscapes in the country and set their eyes on a variety of attractive physical features encompassing the bustling Murchison falls, the impenetrable forest in Bwindi National Park to mention but a few. This is an adventure every nature enthusiast would wish to have in a lifetime.

Day 1-Fly into the country.

The guests will fly into the country through Entebbe International Airport. Upon arrival at the airport,  they will be welcomed and received by the professional tourist guide who will then travel with them to the spacious hotel in Entebbe. At the hotel, you will be served delicious meals and relax the entire day. In the evening, you will conduct a beach tour that will present to you relaxation opportunities, enjoy the serene environments at the beach as you view the magnificent Lake Victoria.  Travel back to the lodge at sunset to get served dinner and rest for the night.

Accommodation: Airport Link Guesthouse 

Day 2-Transfer to Ziwa Rhino sanctuary, Onward travel to Gulu city.

Have breakfast at the hotel and after undertake the journey to Ziwa Rhino sanctuary. The journey will take you approximately 3 hours and 46 minutes covering the 201.9 kilometer distance. Trek the Rhinos on arrival, enjoy watching them in their habitat. A delicious lunch will be served to you at the sanctuary restaurants after which you will undertake the journey to Gulu.

The transfer journey to Gulu will take you approximately 2 hours and 34 minutes covering the 174.6 kilometer distance. In Gulu, you will relax at the hotel, get served dinner, enjoy the Gulu night life experiences and after have an overnight rest.

Accommodation: Bomah Hotel

Day 3-Continue to Kidepo valley National Park.  Evening game drive.

Guests will get served a delicious breakfast at the crack of dawn at the hotel. Enjoy the scrumptious meal and after check out to undertake the continuation journey to the Kidepo valley National Park.

The journey will take you around 4 hours and 39 minutes covering the 229.5 kilometer distance. A mouthwatering lunch will be served on arrival at the lodge in the National Park.You will then unwind from the journey in the lodge premises amidst the views of the breathtaking spotted landscapes of the National Park.

An evening game drive will be conducted to help the guests observe the diverse ecosystems of the park and the animals within especially the cheetahs, lions, leopards, jackals, cape buffaloes, African bush elephants, impalas, waterbucks, ellands and hartebeests. Transfer back to the lodge at twilight for dinner and an overnight rest.

Accommodation: Kidepo Savannah Lodge 

Day 4- Morning game drive. Karimojong community visit.

Have the morning meals at sunrise at the lodge and after undertake a guided morning game drive through the Narus valley in the National Park. The drive through the valley will equip you with the more sightings of animals within the park especially the African wild dogs, the big four animals and a series of beautiful bird species encompassing the African fish eagles, turacos, abyssinian ground hornbill, black bee eaters, cinnamons, egrets, hammerkops, African paradise flycatcher, African darters, jacanas and cuckooshrike.

The game drive will keep you occupied until midday when you will transfer back to the lodge to get served a delicious lunch. After lunch, you will undertake the community visit to the Kautakou village. Enjoy the interactions with the karimojongs, They are renowned for their unique culture.

They will entertain the guests the entire evening with their cultural dances and folklore. Several acts of voluntourism will be undertaken in the society and after travel back to the lodge at sunset. Dinner will be served and you will be accommodated for the night time.

Accommodation: Kidepo Savannah Lodge 

Day 5-Full day game drive.

Have breakfast at sunrise and after undertake the exploration of the National Park. A morning game drive will be conducted in the National Park to equip you with more views of the animals within. The game drive will end at around midday. You will then transfer to the lodge to get served the mouthwatering lunch.

After lunch, you will continue with the afternoon game drive in other parts of the National Park to further encounter more exciting creatures in the park. At sunset, you will travel back to the lodge to relax, have dinner and a night time rest.

Accommodation: Kidepo Savannah Lodge 

Day 6-Head to Murchison falls national park. Afternoon game drive. Sunset game drive.

Have breakfast in the wee hours of the morning and after undertake the journey to Murchison falls National Park. The journey will take you approximately 6 hours and 6 minutes covering the 315.1 kilometer distance. Upon arrival in the National Park, you will continue to the lodging facility where you will be served at delicious lunch. After lunch, you will then embark on a game drive within the National Park that will keep you occupied the entire afternoon as you enjoy the views of the animals and the diverse array of landscapes the National Park is endowed with.

You will relax in the wild as you enjoy the breeze of the natural environment at sunset. A sunset game drive will be undertaken to equip you with more views of the animals especially the wildcats.  Transfer back to the lodge at twilight to get served dinner and rest overnight.

Accommodation: Pakuba Safari Lodge 

Day 7-Explore Murchison falls national park. Full day game drive.

Get served a delicious breakfast at the lodging facility and after undertake the full day game drives in the National Park. Be sure to explore the National Park fully and watch the most exciting creatures living within.

The morning game drive will start at sunrise and end at around midday when you will transfer back to the lodge to get served lunch. Embark on an afternoon game drive that will keep you occupied until sunset.  At sunset, you will then travel back to the lodge to relax, have evening meals and rest for the night.

Accommodation: Pakuba Safari Lodge 

Day 8-Top of the falls adventure. Transfer to Kibale Forest National Park.

At the crack of dawn, the guests will wake up to well  prepared breakfast  with the team of professionals at the lodge. Undertake the journey to the top of the falls trail where you will trek to the point of the aerial view of the bubbling Murchison falls. Enjoy observing the Nile River making its way through a 7 meter wide gorge.

Take beautiful photographs at the scene to remind you of this exciting milestone. Head back to the lodge to get served a delicious lunch. After lunch, you will then embark on the journey to Kibale forest National Park. The journey will take you approximately 4 hours and 32 minutes covering that 152.8 kilometer distance. Transfer to the lodge on arrival in the National Park to unwind. Dinner will be served at sunset and you will be accommodated for the night time.

Accommodation: Chimpanzee Forest Lodge 

Day 9-Explore Bigodi sanctuary. Travel to Queen Elizabeth National Park.

At sunrise, you will have a delicious breakfast served to you by the team of professionals at the lodging facility. Undertake the transfer to Bigodi sanctuary in the National Park. Explore the sanctuary to the fullest as you enjoy watching the diverse breathtaking landscapes comprised of wetlands and lush vegetation.

At the sanctuary you will also have the opportunity to observe several beautiful bird species and a series of primates especially the red tailed monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, vervet monkeys and lhoests. Transfer to the lodge at noon, have lunch and after check out. Get on the road for the journey to Queen Elizabeth National Park. The journey will take you approximately one hour and 44 minutes covering the 75.2 kilometer distance.  On arrival in the National Park you will continue to the lodge and relax in your premises as you enjoy the serenity of the environment.

An evening game drive will be conducted to equip you with views of the various animals that live within the National Park. Transfer back to the lodge at sunset to get served evening meals and be accommodated for the night time.

Accommodation: Bush Lodge, QENP 

Day 10-Chimpanzee trekking in Kyambura gorge, Boat cruise.

Guests will be served breakfast at the first light of the day at the hotel. Undertake the transfer to the magnificient Kyambura gorge in the outskirts of Queen Elizabeth National Park. The gorge is renowned for its breathtaking views. You will luxuriate in the views of the gorge at sunrise and after embark on the chimpanzee trekking activities within the gorge.

The chimpanzee trekking activity will be kick started with a meeting with the Ranger guides who will brief you about the guidelines of the activity. The Rangers will then accompany you to the forest to meet the exciting primates. Enjoy watching the primates until midday when you will travel back to the lodge.

Get served a delicious lunch and after undertake the transfer to Kazinga channel. An exciting boat cruise will be conducted on the Kazinga channel to further equip you with views of the animals in the National Park and the breathtaking landscapes. The boat cruise will end at sunset and you will travel back to the lodge to get served dinner and have an overnight stay.

Accommodation: Bush Lodge, QENP 

Day 11-Game drive at Sun up. Explore the Kasenyi plains. Exit through Ishasha sector. Head to Bwindi.

Have breakfast at the crack of dawn at the lodging facility. Undertake the morning game drive in the National Park. On the game drive you will have the opportunity to explore some of the most beautiful landscapes in the National Park that is to say the Kasenyi plains. They are a habitat too a variety of wildlife species that you’ll have to set your eyes on especially the big four and other Wildcats.

The game drive will end at around midday when you will travel back to the lodge to get served a delicious lunch. After lunch, you will then undertake that journey to the South to Bwindi impenetrable National Park. The journey will take you around 6 hours and 16 minutes covering the 264.0 kilometer distance.

You will exit through the Ishasha sector where you will have a tree climbing lion experience and after continue to Bwindi. Upon arrival in Bwindi, you’ll head to the lodge to get served dinner and rest for the night.

Accommodation: Ride 4 a Woman 

Day 12-Gorilla trekking

The guests will start the beautiful day with a mouthwatering breakfast. This will be served to them at the lodging facility by the team of professional cooks. After the meal, the guests will then be briefed by the Ranger guides about the yet to be experienced gorilla trek.

Guests will be equipped with the guidelines of the trek and after get accompanied to the jungle to meet the exciting gentle giants. Guests will have ample time to watch the mountain gorillas interact among themselves in their natural habitat.

You will also observe the fascinating behaviors of the mountain gorillas and take pictures with them.  Travel back to the lodge in the afternoon to get served a delicious lunch. Relax in the lodge premises until sunset when you will be served dinner and rest for the night.

Accommodation: Ride 4 a Woman 

Day 13-Transfer to lake Mburo national park. Game drive and Mbarara nightlife experience.

After the delicious meals in the morning at the lodge, the guests will check out and undertake the journey to lake Mburo National Park. The journey will take you approximately 6 hours and 19 minutes covering the 260.1 kilometer distance. Upon arrival in the National Park, you will transfer to the lodge to get served lunch. After lunch, you will then undertake an afternoon game drive within the National Park. The game drive will equip you with views of exciting creatures within the park especially the giraffes, zebras, Springboks, common warthogs, African buffaloes, bush elephants name them.

The game drive will end at sunset. You will then travel to the hotel in Mbarara. Dinner will be served to you after which, you will have a nightlife experience in the state-of-the-art clubs in Mbarara. Head back to the hotel at a convenient time and have rest for the night.

Accommodation: Rwakobo Rock

Day 14-Transfer back to Entebbe. Departure.

Arise at a favourable time in the morning and get served a delicious breakfast. After breakfast, you will check out of the hotel to undertake the transfer back to Entebbe international airport. The journey will take you around 4 hours and 54 minutes covering the 247.4 kilometer distance. At the airport, you will get on board for the flight back home that will call off the trip.


Gorilla and chimpanzee permits

Accommodation at mentioned lodges or their equivalent

All meals (as indicated)

Drinking water on all days

Driver guide

Safari vehicle and gas

Park entry fees

Activity fees


Flight tickets and visas

Personal expenses (Laundry, souvenirs, alcoholic drinks and beverages)


Activities not mentioned
